Validazione italiana dei test sulla ricerca di senso

Ultime News

The psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Purpose in Life Scale (PILS) in Italy among a sample of Italian adults


The purpose of the paper is to describe the processes undertaken to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of a new instrument developed to measure purpose in life among a sample of Italian adults: the Purpose in Life Scale (PILS). The specific psychometric processes used were: construct validity using factor analysis, reliability and internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, convergent validity of the PILS and the longer established Purpose in Life Test (PILT). The exploratory factor analysis revealed one factor for both tests confirming the monofactorial structure of their construct. Reliability analysis indicated that the PILS is reliable: Cronbach’s alpha was .86 for PILT and .90 for the PILS. Convergent validity of the PILS and PILT revealed a good correlation coefficient of .67. The Italian version of the questionnaire seems to work properly for the Italian population as its psychometric properties indicated that it is valid and reliable.


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Pubblicato il 22 Aprile 2017 in .
Ultima modifica 19 Ottobre 2022.